Thursday, September 29, 2005

Moody? Moi?

it just so happened i was in a bad mood..
nope, the fact that i had to finish my assignment late into the nite last nite didnt help either..
i was just on edge the whole day.. funny.. i never remembered being like this..
finally, one of the daily human emotions plaguing the rest of the world has infected me as well..
good, now i am just like the others.. moody once in a while.. brooding.. short tempered..
i remembered then.. the only thing that can make me bad tempered is if i'm hungry..
feed me once in a while then u're okay.. kinda like a tamagotchi..
but then, hypoglycemia sets in and i found out that i can deal with that..
it's okay being hungry.. at least u'll get to eat, if not in a while, then a bit later..
kinda like the man with no shoes seeing the man with no feet..
ahh.. but how i ramble.. and u know how much i love THAT!