Thursday, February 02, 2006


this has always been my weakness..
keeping up with myself.. i dunno..
weird, funky mood i'm in these past few days..
the feeling of being betrayed is still there..
that sucky 'dengki' feeling's also there..
but then again, was highly inspired this morning..
after hearing jo kukathas talking about theatre and stuff..
i gotta find something i'd wake up every morning to do..
something to live for but is worth dying for..
howzat for a moody girl?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

silver linings..

i saw a silver lining today.. not metaphorically speaking.. literally..
i saw one on my way to 'work' today.. very pretty..
don't even know if i can call it a silver lining.. but it sure look like it..
it was cloudy.. and far up in the horizon.. there it was..
no clouds or nothing.. just a small expanse of the naked sky..
blue as blue can be.. something that is etched in my memory forever..

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


ohho.. so it's the new year.. kewllll..
not much gonna happen laa kott.. hopefully things'll be great for me..
dunnoww why.. but i feel so damned betrayed today..
aiyakk.. aiyakk.. aiyakk.. the paranoid me is not letting me go laa..
erkkk.. god help me!